Why we do what we do
Many countries that experience the overpopulation of companion animals do not have a policy in place that actually addresses the problem. As a result the problem remains and leads to shocking and unacceptable situations. Animals are dropped of at shelters, collected from the streets and without a viable prospect of a home, are euthanized in large numbers.
For as far as historically recorded there has always been a tight relationship between humans and dogs. From the human’s point of view, the dog may be a member of the family. Dogs, as domestic animals, tolerate and accept the human environment well and even thrive with people. Dog keeping is common around the world, just few societies do not endorse suchlike relations.
The overpopulation of dogs is caused in several ways: dogs owners permit their dogs to roam the streets freely, pets escape from their home, pets are abandoned, released or escape after having been stolen. They roam the streets freely, follow nature and reproduce. And their population grows and appears with greater density, resulting in a seemingly unsolvable situation.
We however feel that the overpopulation of companion animals can be solved. As it can’t be solved in a short time and the task seems daunting – these current living creatures deserve a chance of life and we should prevent further growth of their population by spay and neuter campaigns. Not only do such campaigns prevent overpopulation, it has an impact on aggressive behavior with male and illnesses with female dogs.
In the long run the problem of companion animal overpopulation can be solved in a humane way, which in our mind is the only way.
Every companion animal deserves safety and wellbeing.